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A Uniquely Picolove Experience

"What is the state of the village? How will the villagers treat us? Will I be able to adapt to the circumstances?"

​These negative thoughts filled the team's minds as we met up at Changi Airport on the 12th December. However, there was also a tingle of excitement in the air, as almost everyone was stepping into a foreign situation. 

Upon arrival at Laos, the team soaked in every new experience eagerly. The stopovers at the Singaporean Embassy and a local market only served to increase the excitement the team felt. 

When we finally arrived at Na Phong Village, we were not let down.

We were greeted warmly by the host families, and we were promptly introduced to the buildings that would be our homes for the next 14 days. The children, who were initially shy soon warmed up to us and came near us to play with us. 

                       Home for the next 14 days                                                  Ani, one of the children from the host family                                 

The very next day, we visited the current primary school building, and we were shocked by the state of the building. The entire school building consisted of only one room! Furthermore, the metal roof was rusting and rain water often leaked into the classroom during the rainy season. The sight of the current school building drove home the importance of our team's work - the building of three brand new concrete classrooms to improve the study environment of the Laotian children.                                                               

                                                                             The old school building

"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy"

Our team subconsciously believed in this and our work sure wasn't dull! The days at the village was filled with laughter and joy, and the bubbly Laotian kids certainly helped liven up the atmosphere!

                                                        Playtime with the kids!

We conducted three different lessons for the Primary 1 and 2 students, namely Healthcare lessons, DIY lessons and Cultural lessons. However, these lessons are not like any normal lessons. They are filled with games and interacive segments, ensuring both the kids and the youths will be able to enjoy themselves!





Besides the lessons, we were involved in some construction work as well! After all, the main objective of the project was to complete the building of three new classrooms for the primary school students. 





















After 14 days at the village, we sadly came to the end of the journey at Na Phong village. However, our departure was not without (many) photos!

















On hindsight, the trip to Laos has been eye-opening and inspiring. A plethora of new and vibrant experiences has changed the outlook members have in life. New values to hold onto, new discoveries about themselves and many more lessons were learnt during this trip. 






Despite the entire overseas trip lasting only 19 days, the effects of the trip will last for a lifetime.

small love, BIG difference

❥ Picolove

Healthcare lesson, where we taught them how to brush their teeth. The kids brought home their new toothbrushes and toothpastes as well!

Another Healthcare lesson, where we taught them simple first aid and how to use bandages.

DIY lesson, where we taught them handicrafts, such as the kites that the kids are holding! 

Cultural lesson, where we taught the kids about the South-East Asian demographics and the culture in Singapore. Here, the kids are learning an Indian dance!

The classrooms were built in collaboration with two other CIP groups.


Our role was to apply the finishing touches to the school building. We laid the cement on the

floor, painted the walls of the building and painted the windows and doors, before installing the windows and doors to the classrooms.


It was a mixture of back-breaking labour (shoveling the sand, pebbles and cement) and relaxed work (painting the walls and the windows).


However, it was never boring or mundane as there was plenty of fun taking pictures and chit chatting!

Painting the walls of the classroom white!

Painting the windows magenta, the standard colours of classrooms in Laos!

A mixture of cement, pebbles and sand to form the cement, when water is added.

The village chief, Mr Phai Thoon. looking on with a smile as two team members struggle with the shoveling! 

After water is added, let the mixing begin!

Team members of Picolove I, with some children from Na Phong Village, in front of the old school building.

Team members of Picolove I, with some children from Na Phong Village, in front of the new school building.

"The impact I can leave behind may be limited, but at the same time, I should not belittle my efforts."

Kenneth, Picolove I (Member)

"There is always someone who needs a little boost or a little aid to be able to lead a better or more comfortable life. If it is within our means to help those around us, we should."

Hou Pang, Picolove I (Member)

"My thoughts on my role in the community is that I can always contribute more to the society as my experience has enlighten me and also that monetary aid is important but care and concern are vital as well."

Kerine, Picolove I (Co-Leader)

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